Concepts in International Marketing

Course description: This course provides an introduction into issues and problems commonly encountered in strategy formation and decision making by companies operating on an international scale. Students of the course shall (1) become more sensitive to international marketing issues and develop an understanding of current problems that international marketers face on global markets, (2) develop a knowledge of concepts and methods used in international marketing theory and business practice, (3) be capable of applying the presented framework, concepts, and methods, to typical issues in international marketing management.

Class format: The principal teaching methods used in class will be lectures, case and topical discussions, video presentations, guest speakers, and student presentations.

Readings: Keegan, W. J., & Green, M. C. (2015). Global marketing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. (available as e-book at Dortmund University library)

Cases in International Marketing

Course Description: The general aim of this lecture is to assign the theoretical knowledge into real-world practise. This didactic concept of participant-centred learning was originally developed at the Harvard Business School and is now a distinguished standard in international MBA programs or management education. International case studies will help the participants to develop strategic thinking in an international marketing context and will provide an opportunity to sharpen verbal and written communication skills. Utilizing a teaching approach that mixes cases, class discussion, group workshops, and participants will learn key concepts and tools used in solving international marketing problems.

The Course is divided into two parts: The first part describes the case method teaching and introduces the students successively to case study exercises and participant-centred learning. The second part covers the process of working with basically Harvard Business School Case Studies in an international marketing context. Therefore the students work together in small groups, present their results and defend their findings during a classroom discussion.

Im Rahmen der Vorlesung werden grundlegende Modelle der Kommunikationspsychologie behandelt. Weiterhin werden Methoden und Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Rhetorik, schriftliche und mündliche Präsentationsformen sowie das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in Präsentationen vermittelt. Darüber hinaus erwerben die Studierenden Kenntnisse über zielführende Selbstpräsentationen im Bewerbungsprozess. Zudem bietet die Veranstaltung spannende und praxisnahe Einblicke durch Gastvorträge in verschiedensten Bereichen (Unternehmensberatung, Vertriebstrainer oder professionelle Redner). Diese Kenntnisse werden in Übungsgruppen vertieft und von den Studierenden angewandt.