Vorlesung Cross-Cultural-Management (MA)
Course description
The internationalization of business activities confronts companies with the challenge to manage differences between countries. As national culture is a main driver of these differences, it is essential to understand the impact of national culture on management.
This course highlights the relevance of cross-cultural management and lays the theoretical foundations by introducing the concept of culture and central culture theories. It describes the influence of national culture on management functions and gives an overview of current challenges in cross-cultural management. The content of this course will be applied to specific countries and business contexts in selected case studies.
The tutorial revises the course content and offers selected deep dives and exercises.
Course material
The course material can be found on Moodle.
Time and date
Lecture: Thursday, 14.15 h - 15.45 h, Chemiegebäude, HS 1 (beginning: Thursday, 27.04.2017)
Tutorial: Tuesday, 16.00 h - 17.30 h, Chemiegebäude, HS 1 (beginning: Tuesday, 16.05.2017)
Written exam
Post-exam review//Klausureinsicht
Informationen zur Klausureinsicht finden Sie hier.(Informationen folgen)// Please check our homepage for information about the post-exam review.
Crediting//Anrechnung (for TU Dortmund students in the Master program)
Diese Veranstaltung ist für Master-Studierende im Modul „Strategisches und Internationales Management II“ anrechenbar.
- Lehrende:r: Jana Drechsler