
Land Use Planning (LUP) is a systematic and iterative process based on dialogue and negotiation amongst all stakeholders aimed to achieve a sustainable form of land use in both rural and urban areas. Initiating and monitoring the implementation of the land use plan is integral to LUP.

Since environmental management reflects the interaction and impact of human societies on natural resources it is self-evident that land use planning guarantees the integrity of ecosystems and ensures the protection and maintenance of ecosystem services for future human generation.

In this context the seminar participants introduce the institutional framework and its agencies for land use planning from their home countries.the Seminar deals with natural resource management in economically productive (agriculture and forestry) and ecological relevant systems (watershed, protected areas, coastal zones). Furthermore the seminar provides space for discussions about causes and solutions for land use conflicts in the course participant’s home countries as well as for debates about country/continent specific challenges in land use planning and implementation of land use plans both in rural and urban settings.