
The course provides an introduction into the field of molecular simulations from the basics (the underlying fundaments) up to the state-of-the-art. The theorie lectures are online (zoom: https://tu-dortmund.zoom.us/my/jelger.risselada). Tutorials will be at the TUDortmund from 14:00-16:00 in HS2. The subject of the planned lectures are:

1) Welcome to my field!

2) Time integration and sampling

3) Thermodynamic ensembles

4) Tutorial

5) The need for speed: Efficient algorithms

6) The need for speed: Coarse-graining

7) Tutorial

8) Enhanced sampling: Free energy calculations

9) Evolutionary algorithms and machine learning

10) Tutorial

11) Free of choice...
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer:in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer:in)