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Master Wirtschafts­wissen­schaften – Business B: Management & Organizations

Organizations and Management Trends I

Fa­kul­tät Wirtschafts­wissen­schaften, Pro­fes­sur für Hoch­schul­didak­tik und Hochschulforschung

7, 5 ECTS

Zeit und Ort:
Dienstags, 12:00–14:00 Uhr (Start: 19.10.2021) | Mathematikgebäude, M811

Die Seminarsprache ist Englisch und die Präsentation muss in englischer Spra­che gehalten wer­den. In Absprache mit den Lehrenden ist es jedoch mög­lich, die Seminararbeit in deutscher Spra­che zu verfassen. Die Kennt­nisse der englischen Spra­che müs­sen aus­rei­chend, aber nicht perfekt sein.

Content of the Seminar

The importance of knowledge intensive organizations has been underscored by policy makers across the world. Universities in particular are believed to play a key role for the fu­ture of national economies via knowledge production, transfer and commercialization. The seminar will introduce the main higher education governance and management trends in Europe and the US and shed light on the role of universities in national and regional innovation systems. The course will also introduce the key characteristics of uni­ver­si­ty as a professional organization. Drawing on the theoretical models of national and regional innovation systems and organizational theories the course will point out the role of engaged uni­ver­si­ty in fostering regional and national economies. Students will carry our re­search projects drawing on the latest theoretical and empirical evidence from Higher Education, Science and Technology Studies as well as In­no­va­ti­on Studies.


All students are expected to actively participate in the seminar. Each of the sub-topics covered in the seminar will have compulsory reading. The students are expected to read the provided literature and find additional sources, such as other relevant articles. The assignment will consist of a presentation and an individual written 5000 words paper on a given topic. The number of participants of this seminar is limited to 20.


The examination consists of a presentation of the assignment and paper. Participation in discussions and giving feedback to other students after their presentations will also be im­por­tant.

Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer:in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer:in)