This course is applicable for Master students as "Modul Wirtschaftspolitik II (Economic Policy) - PO 2012 and PO 2015" and "Grundmodul Wirtschaftspolitik (Economic Policy) - PO 2007" at the Faculty of Business, Ecocomics and Social Sciences.
Written and graded exam covering the entire module will be held every winter semester.
Lecture | Tutorial | |
Date: | Tuesday 16:00-18:00 | Thursday 16:00-18:00 |
Room: | M811 | M134 - CIP Pool |
1st course: | 03.11.2020 | 05.11.2020 |
Please note that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, times, dates and rooms may change. Furthermore, the Lecture is held completely digitally and videos are provided in this moodle course room. At the moment, we plan to offer the Tutorial personally, however, depending on the number of participants we may switch to a digitally solution.
The lecture “Microeconometrics and Empirical Applications”covers the econometric analysis of individual data, such as households and firms. Students learn how to solve frequently occurringproblems with using microeconomic data. Among other topics, panel data, instrumental variables, limited dependent variables and causality models are analyzed. The accompanying exercise serves the following purposes: students get an introduction to the econometric program Stata and learn how to apply it in practice. The exercise is supplemented by presentations of innovative empirical studies applying the presented methods.
The course will be held in English when demanded.
- Introduction into empirical methods and Microeconometrics
- Recapitulation of the classical linear regression model
- Panel Data Analysis
- Instrumental variables for endogenous regressors
- Maximum likelihood procedures
- Estimation methods for bivariate dependent variables (Logit and Probit)
- Estimation methods for multivariate dependent variables
- Estimation methods for cebsored and truncated variables (Tobit)
- Policy Evaluation
Recommended Readings:
- Cameron, A.C., Trivedi P.K.: Microeconometrics - Methods and Application, Cambridge, 2005
- Greene, W.H.: Econometric Analysis, 6. Ed., New York, 2008.
- Maddala, G.S.: Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics, Cambridge, 1983.
- Maddala, G.S.: Introduction to Econometrics, 3. Ed., Chichester u.a., 2008.
- Ronning, G.: Mikroökonometrie, Berlin, 1991.
- Verbeek, M: A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 3. Ed., Wiley, 2008
- Wooldridge, J. W.: Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, Cambridge, London, 2002.
- Lehrende:r: Tobias Hemker
- Lehrende:r: Kornelius Kraft
- Lehrende:r: Pia Rumi
- Lehrende:r: Tim Seidinger