
Lecture: Thursdays, 14:00-15:30, Room: BCI-ZE 07     Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Engell

Tutorial: To be announced. 

Course contents: 

1.      Frequency domain single loop controller design

         1.1.   Specification of controller performance in the time domain and in the frequency domain

        1.2.   Loop shaping: Classical PID and Lead-Lag controller design revisited

        1.3.   Design using frequency response approximation (FASTER)

        1.4.   Limits of controller performance

        1.5.   Internal Model Control

2.      Frequency domain multivariable controller design

       2.1.   I/O-system description, poles, zeros of MIMO systems

       2.2.   Stability criteria

       2.3.   Decoupling, sequential loop closure, approximate decoupling, directionality

       2.4.   Multivariable frequency response approximation

3. Control structure selection

Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer:in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer:in)