Enrolment options

Development programmes and projects are the main forms of intervention of national and international development efforts. However ambitious these efforts may be, they cannot tackle and solve all problems that exist in a country or region. Hence choices need to be made to ensure that a development program or project is clearly targeted and as effective as possible. This requires a sound analytical basis, clear and realistic objectives, a careful choice among alternative options, and the efficient implementation of a coherent set of actions. Throughout this process an open dialogue among all stakeholders needs to be fostered and true local ownership created in order to improve the quality of projects and programs - and hence the overall relevance, feasibility and sustainability of development cooperation.
The course aims to familiarise the students with the most important planning and management techniques currently in use in development organisations. Besides, the course puts great emphasis on exercises and group works for in-deep understand of the newly learnt tools and their application. The exercise will also enable the students to critically reflect and assess the usefulness and the shortcomings of these tools.
The course is structured into three phases, preparing the students for the three one-week SPRING workshops. The first phase covers analytical methods. For analysing complex development problems and the different perceptions of stakeholders both logical and participatory methods are introduced. The second phase of the course covers planning methods. In this phase the students will learn how to develop vision, different scenarios, development strategies and plans. Within a group work exercise, they will be engaged in the difficult process of formulating objectives, defining and assessing alternative projects, selecting the most promising project based the result of scenario planning and in accordance with the vision and development strategy and plans. Using the logical framework method, students are guided to exercise with local planning tools in formulation of objectives, measurable indicators and analysing assumptions and pre-conditions for detailed planning of a project.
The third phase of the course deals with implementation methods. These methods are thought and exercised to equip students with technical skills in assessing implementation capacity of an implementing organisation with respect to the technical and organisational capacities needed to implement a particular project. In addition, the exercise includes technics of activities scheduling, financial and personnel planning, setting up monitoring and evaluation procedures.
At the end, the students should have hands-on experience and a critical understanding of the analysis, planning and implementation tools used in urban and regional development programs and projects.

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Passcode: 952957
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+49 69 7104 9922 Germany
+49 30 5679 5800 Germany
+49 69 3807 9883 Germany
+49 695 050 2596 Germany
Meeting ID: 959 8753 5805
Passcode: 952957
Find your local number: https://tu-dortmund.zoom.us/u/aeyy7sAFSW

Self enrolment (Teilnehmer:in)
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer:in)