Course description
Firms operating under conditions of globalization face increased competitive pressures that lead to new business concepts potentially rendering existing products, services and whole business models obsolete. As a consequence, it becomes essential for firms to recognize new business opportunities continuously and fast.
The course “opportunity recognition” offers a comprehensive introduction to various tools that enable firms to identify such business opportunities systematically.
Exam information
in moodle you will find the file
- Combined Lecture&Tutorial_ Opportunity_Recognition__SS2018_with exemptions
Exam information:
- The file combines all slides relevant for the exam from the lecture and the tutorial. Slides not for the exam are marked with a red dot.
- We will not ask for any numbers or statistics
- Sometimes concepts are explained by means of an example e.g. the substitution curve is explained by using the ratio between mobile/fixed network shares. In this cases you need to understand the concepts, e.g. the substitution curve but not the specific example.
- There will be one or more case studies and there will be knowledge questions and questions in which you have to apply your knowledge to the case(s)
- The exam will be in German and English and you can choose to answer in any of the two languages
Further Time line for the Tutorial:
10.07.2018, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30, Chemie HS 1Tutorial is cancelled- 17.07.2018, Tuesday, 16:00 – 19:00, Chemie HS 1: Finish of the rest of the lecture + chance for you to ask questions
- 19.07.2018, Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30, Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12, 2nd Floor, Room 2.7: last chance for questions, no individual questions thereafter
With kind regards,
Jan-Thomas Bachmann
The content of this course will be applied to specific firms and business contexts in selected case studies.
The tutorial revises the course content and offers selected deep dives and exercises.
Course material
The password and the script for the lecture will be provided in Moodle after the start of the lecture on thursday, April 19th.
Time and date
Lecture: Thursday , 14:15 - 15:45, Chemie HS 1, Start, 19. April
19.06.2017, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30, Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12, 2nd Floor, Room 2.7
26.06.2017, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30, Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12, 2nd Floor, Room 2.7
03.07.2018, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30, Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12, 2nd Floor, Room 2.7
10.07.2018, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30, Chemie HS 1 Tutorial is cancelled
17.07.2018, Tuesday, 16:00 – 17:30, Chemie HS 1
19.07.2018, Thursday, 16:00 – 17:30, Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12, 2nd Floor, Room 2.7: last chance for questions
Engelen et al. (2017). Opportunity Recognition. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Written exam
Informationen zur Klausureinsicht finden Sie in Moodle.
Anrechnung (for TU Dortmund students in the Master program)
Diese Veranstaltung ist für Master-Studierende im Modul „Strategisches und Internationales Management II“ anrechenbar.
- Lehrende:r: Jan-Thomas Bachmann