I. Planning Your Writing Project and Keeping the Pace

Composing an extended writing project requires being consistent with your time and efficiently managing how it is divided between the many smaller tasks that will lead you toward your desired result. Working out priorities ahead of time and sticking to the timeline you have set yourself is vital to successful academic writing. This workshop will help you develop your own practices based on proven strategies to help you make the best decisions when planning the pace of your writing project.

II. Developing and Meeting Your Writing Goals

Setting smaller goals for yourself--laying out a series of distinct milestones on your path to a finished project--is among the most useful strategies for keeping yourself motivated and on track to complete your written work. This seminar will go over tools and strategies for developing and sticking to such smaller goals as you progress through your project.

III. Strategies for Overcoming Writer's Block

Writer's block can occur at any point during an assignment and can be incredibly frustrating. It can disrupt workflow and cause a delay in work. Writer's block does not reflect a lack of preparation. While it might not be completely unavoidable, writer's block can be managed. This workshop will examine how to identify writer's block in addition to techniques and methods to help you overcome it.

IV. Using Online Tools to Edit Your Paper

A variety of open-source tools are available online to help you get your writing into its final form. These include guides for academic citation and style manuals like APA, MLA, and Chicago style, as well as automated grammar and proofreading tools. In this seminar we will explore the utility of these different programs and guides, and discuss the most effective way of integrating them into your writing process.