Welcome to DiTAIL: Digitale Teilhabe und Medienkompetenzen im Lehramtsstudium

DiTAIL is an initiative that was funded by the Stifterverband as part of the Curriculum 4.0 innovation program. The goal of DiTAIL is to make learning to teach German or English more inclusive: First, by making access to knowledge more flexible, and second, by focusing content on important aspects of diversity and digitality. 

The materials in DiTAIL stem from the German and English departments at the TU Dortmund. We believe that, in contemporary contexts, language teaching and learning needs to be thought of in an integrated way. Many of the materials make use of both languages. 

DiTAIL has two components: A digital suitcase and a digital backbone

The digital suitcase contains teaching and learning modules that can be used independently by educators and by learners. They can be used in the following scenarios:

  • Integrated into existing courses to offer additional topics or alternative learning paths 
  • As stand-alone modules to focus on specific topics relevant to future teachers (or any learners!) 
  • As part of a “blended learning” approach 
  • As supplements for students who need additional practice and support 
  • Individuals may access the modules independently of any course of study, as part of their own approach to lifelong learning.

The digital backbone, on the other hand, represents complete courses that are regularly offered as part of the courses of studies at the TU Dortmund University. These materials typically feature one of the following concepts: 

  • They may be part of a “blended learning” course in which the educator (lecturer, professor, tutor) supplements synchronous meetings with these online activities. 
  • They offer a digital and largely asynchronous version of a course that has previously, or is concurrently, offered in an analog or synchronous version as well. 

Please be aware that you can only receive credit for these courses if you discuss this with the responsible lecturers ahead of time! There may be limitations on who may use these versions of courses given in alternative formats. 

Additional modules and materials may be offered from time to time. Please be aware, however, that, unless other arrangements are made, there will be no interaction with tutors or lecturers in these courses. 

The materials are offered on a CC-BY-(ND)-SA license. What that means is that the existing materials may be used in any context, for any purpose, without charge if the authors are named (SA; Please refer to the individual modules for specific citation recommendations). The materials may be used in part, e.g., one module from a set of twelve modules may be used. They may also be expanded upon, e.g., the materials can be embedded in a larger set of materials. However, we ask that you do not modify in any way the materials themselves (ND). That is, if you use a module, please do not change the language, activities, images, or content in any way. The CC-BY-(ND)-SA license only applies to materials created by the authors here, and not to any materials embedded within the modules by external creators or experts. Please adhere to ethical best practices in re-using, modifying, or citing digital materials. 

Research and development on DiTAILs is continuing. Please visit the DiTAILs page for presentations, publications, and news. 

To cite the DiTAILs project as a whole:

Blume, C., Marci-Boehncke, G., & Ronan, P. (2024). DiTAILs: Digitale Teilhabe und Medienkompetenz im Lehramtsstudium im Curriculum 4.0. Dortmund. https://div.kuwi.tu-dortmund.de/en/research/completed-research-projects/curriculum-40/