
The lecture “Additive Manufacturing” describes the principles and characteristics of the layer-wise production of components. As a part of the process chain the lecture deals at first with topics regarding the generation of manufacturing data, which is divided into the steps of data preparation, data conditioning and data processing. One of the main emphases of the lecture is the description and explanation of the most important AM-processes on which commercially available technologies are based on. These include Stereolithography, Laser Sintering, Laser Beam Melting, Fused Layer Modeling, MultiJjet Modeling, Poly Jet Modeling, 3D-Printing, Layer Laminated Manufacturing and Digital Light Processing. As additional contents various methods for post-processing of components are discussed in the lecture as well as the cost-effectiveness depending on different factors.


This lecture is divided into block events. The exact lecture schedule which gives you an overview of the time and place of the lectures will be presented at the kick-off lecture. 
In addition to the lecture, there is a voluntary group project about additive manufacturing. All participants who successfully passed the group project will get bonus point for the examination. To participate in the group project it is obligated to attend the kick-off lecture. If it is not possible to attend the kick-off lecture due to travel problems, sickness, colliding lectures or very important personal appointment (e.g. authority/administration appointment), please send an email to

The lectures will be in present in MBIII-Room 3.016.

Enrolment key: Will be given at the kick-off lecture

Kick-off Meeting and 1. Lecture:           In present 

Key facts
MBIII-Room 3.01616:00 - 19:30        
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J.T. Sehrt