- Lehrende:r: Anna-Lena Rose
- Lehrende:r: Anika Sieweke
- Lehrende:r: Sude Peksen
- Lehrende:r: Anika Sieweke
- Lehrende:r: Katrin Stolz
Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Modul 11 (Wissenstransfer)
Seminar: Prof. Liudvika Leisyte (Professorin für Hochschuldidaktik und Hochschulforschung) & Sude Peksen, M.A.
Übung: Dr. Katrin Stolz
7 ECTS (5 ECTS Seminar + 2 ECTS Übung)
Thema des Seminars:
Das Seminar zielt darauf ab Diversity Management als Strategie zur Steuerung zunehmender Heterogenität an Hochschulen näher zu untersuchen. Dazu werden Grundlagen soziologischer Gender- und Diversitätstheorien erarbeitet und anhand praktischer Beispiele aus dem Hochschulalltag von Studierenden diskutiert. Folgende Fragen sollen im Seminarverlauf beantwortet werden: Was bedeutet soziale Ungleichheit und in welchem Zusammenhang steht es mit Diskriminierung und Stigma? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Sex und Gender? Was sind Geschlechterungleichheiten und Gender Mainstreaming? Was versteht man unter Diversity Management und wie wird es an Hochschulen angewendet?
Grundlegende Kenntnisse im Gegenstandsfeld der soziologischen Diversitäts- und Genderforschung erwerben sowie vertiefte Kenntnisse zur Hochschule als Organisation, Chancengleichheit und Diversity Management erlangen.
- Erfahrungen zur Bearbeitung von Forschungsfragen sammeln und Erwerb von Fähigkeiten zur Beurteilung und Diskussion von Theorien und empirischen Befunden erwerben.
- Forschungspraktische Kompetenzen und Eigenständigkeit stärken.
Organisation der Lehrveranstaltung
Das Lesen der Pflichtlektüren und die Anwesenheit wird bei allen Teilnehmenden vorausgesetzt.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 Personen begrenzt. Das Seminar findet in Kombination mit der Übung "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" statt.
Regelmäßige aktive Teilnahme, Vorbereitung der Grundlagentexte (6 kurze Ausarbeitungen).
- Kurzes Referat (Einzelreferat max. 15-20 Minuten, Doppelreferat max. 30-45 Minuten) mit Handout (pro Sitzung 1-2 Referate). Die Referate beinhalten eine nachvollziehbar gegliederte und prägnante Vermittlung zentraler Konzepte, Thesen und Argumentationen der Texte sowie die Entwicklung (mindestens) einer Diskussionsfrage. Zudem sollten Bezüge zwischen Grundlagentext und Referatstext hergestellt werden. Die für die Referate vorgeschlagenen Texte können durch eigene Recherche ergänzt werden. Ein vorheriger Sprechstundenbesuch wird empfohlen.
- Verfassen einer Hausarbeit (ca. 3.000 Wörter).
Zeit und Ort:
• Seminar: Donnerstags, 14:15-15:45, Starttermin: 22.04.2021 – Online auf Moodle und via Zoom.
• Übung "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (Blockveranstaltung):
1. Sitzung: Lesetechniken, Zitationen und Quellenangaben
2. Sitzung: Vom Thema über die Fragestellung zur Gliederung
3. Sitzung: Fachwissenschaftliche Literaturrecherche
4. Sitzung: Literaturverwaltung mit Citavi
5. Sitzung: Individuelle Besprechung der Exposés (nach Absprache)
- Lehrende:r: Sude Peksen
- Lehrende:r: Anika Sieweke
- Lehrende:r: Katrin Stolz
Degree programme:
Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Business A: Accounting & Finance
Internationale Rechnungslegung und Wirtschaftsprüfung
Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leisyte (Professorin für Hochschuldidaktik und Hochschulforschung)
7,5 ECTS
Time and Place:
Tuesdays, 14:15-15:45, starting date is 20.04.2021 – Online on Moodle and via Zoom
Content of the Seminar:
In the past years due to the New Public Management reforms public organizations are steered towards functioning more as corporate organizations, which in turn means corporate social responsibility and the need for good governance. Good governance of public organizations in the context of calls for efficiency and effectiveness and cuts in public budgets in Europe and the US is crucial for delivering quality services, ascertaining public trust as well as fulfilling the mandate of the state. One of the crucial aspects of good governance of public organizations is the efficiency and impartiality of its management structures. The composition of the boards, the extent of inclusion of external donors as well as the independence of managers in setting strategic directions of organization are especially important in this regard. The studies of corporate governance in public organizations have revealed cases of misconduct in terms of professional ethics, financial mismanagement, preferential treatment or forging credentials. What are the key trends and problems in the good governance of public organizations, such as universities, museums, ministries, hospitals? How are the roles of board members changing in public sector organizations? What kind of stakeholders are represented in different types of public organizations and do they balance out different interests in the boards of public organizations? These questions will be the focus of the seminar where we will explore the main theoretical standpoints as well as latest empirical evidence of corporate governance of public organizations in an international perspective.
All students are expected to actively participate in the seminar. Each of the sub-topics covered in the seminar will have compulsory reading. The students are expected to read the provided literature and find additional sources, such as other relevant articles, organizational strategy papers, and organizational reports. The assignment will consist of a presentation in pairs and an individual written 5000 words paper on a given topic using TU Dortmund or other public organizations in Dortmund as an example. The number of participants of this seminar is limited to 20.
The examination consists of a presentation of the assignment and paper. Participation in discussions and giving feedback to other students after their presentations will also be important.
- Lehrende:r: Liudvika Leisyte
- Lehrende:r: Sude Peksen
- Lehrende:r: Anna-Lena Rose
- Lehrende:r: Anika Sieweke
Degree programme:
Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften
WiWi: Innovations- und Techniksoziologie I / II
Prof. Liudvika Leisyte (Professorin für Hochschuldidaktik und Hochschulforschung)
EITHER Seminar: 5 ECTS
OR Übung: 2,5 ECTS
Time and Place:
Tuesdays, 12:15-13:45, starting date is 20.04.2021 – Online on Moodle and via Zoom
Content of the Seminar:
In the past years the contribution of universities to national economies via knowledge production, transfer and commercialization has been increasingly underscored in the policy discourse as well as in university missions. Thus, even if in theoretical discussions (about the role of knowledge production for economy) the university was for a long time seen as part of “National Innovation Systems”, its role becomes increasingly visible via formal links to other actors (e.g. industry). This seminar will draw on the latest theoretical and empirical studies of university’s role in national innovation systems. The theoretical insights will be drawn from studies of National Innovation Systems (NIS), Science and Technology Studies as well as Higher Education Studies’. One focus will be laid on the complexity of actors in the NIS and the linkages between them (with a special focus on university-industry linkages). A second focus will be laid on the international comparison of NISs. Across these topics we will understand the university as a specific type of organization with specific characteristics and also gain an understanding of how the university (and academic codes and norms) change when links to other actors are forged.
This seminar will draw on the latest theoretical and empirical studies of university’s role in national innovation systems (NIS). The seminar will be held in English.
All students are expected to a) actively participate in the seminar b) work on their own case study c) present a text & preliminary results of a case study d) + in case you want to pass the course as a Seminar (5 ECTS): write a paper (text analysis & results of case study) The semester is sub-divided in three parts: (1) introduction to main concepts and preparation of own research, (2) in-depth discussions of key questions, (3) presentations of texts & preliminary case study results. Feedback on developing your case studies available between the sessions and after your presentation of preliminary results. The number of participants is limited to 20.
Seminar: Paper & Presentation (5 Credits)
Übung: Presentation (2,5 Credits)
To complete the module, two courses have to be completed, one as "Übung" (including a presentation), the other as a seminar (including a presentation and the submission of a seminar paper).
- Lehrende:r: Liudvika Leisyte
- Lehrende:r: Sude Peksen
- Lehrende:r: Anna-Lena Rose
- Lehrende:r: Anika Sieweke
- Lehrende:r: Lina Zenkiene
Degree programme:
Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Business C: Digitalization & Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship II
Seminar: Prof. Liudvika Leisyte (Professorin für Hochschuldidaktik und Hochschulforschung)
Tutorial (Übung): Sude Peksen
7,5 ECTS (4 ECTS Seminar + 3,5 ECTS Tutorial/Übung)
Time and Place:
Seminar: Tuesdays, 10.15-11.45, starting date is 20.04.2021 – Online on Moodle and via Zoom
Tutorial (Übung): two-day tutorial, May 27+28, 2021 (Thursday and Friday), 10-15 h (s.t.) – Online on Moodle and via Zoom
Content of the Seminar:
In recent years, the quest for entrepreneurial success has become increasingly complex. Fast technological changes and highly permeable global markets are just two of many forces that contribute to these dynamics. Yet, at the same time, some of the basic principles remain the same. The key characteristics of entrepreneurs as well as the process of creating new ventures are largely the same, although context dependent. Therefore, this seminar will focus on high-tech entrepreneurship and academic entrepreneurs from an international perspective. We will show how universities and entrepreneurs are working together and how both parties can profit from each other. Moreover, we use the latest international empirical as well as theoretical insights of entrepreneurship studies and innovation studies to increase your understanding of the process of creating new ventures. Additionally, the tutorial (Übung) will provide opportunities to generate ideas for high-tech and academic entrepreneurship. You will develop your capacity to generate business ideas, filter them, and recognize the most feasible and potentially profitable opportunities amongst all of the noise present in today’s marketplace.
All students are expected to actively participate in the seminar. Each of the sub-topics covered in the seminar will have compulsory and optional reading. It is expected that students will work on the assignment, present it and participate in the discussions. The assignment will consist of a case study of TU Dortmund and the Dortmund Technology Center. The number of participants of this seminar is limited to 20. The tutorial (Übung) will include workshop on creativity to help you develop business ideas which you will be further elaborate in your assignment.
Seminar: 4 Credits; task for getting a grade: graded presentation and seminar paper
Tutorial (Übung): 3.5 Credits; task for getting the grade: active participation in the tutorial (Übung)
- Lehrende:r: Liudvika Leisyte
- Lehrende:r: Sude Peksen
- Lehrende:r: Anna-Lena Rose
- Lehrende:r: Anika Sieweke