Content of the Module

This graduate course brings together the latest research ideas and topics in public economics and political economy. The focus is primarily on theoretical work. The course consists of two parts. The first part covers topics in public economics such as the theory of public goods and the theory of optimal taxation. The second part addresses political economy issues such as political behavior (of voters, candidates, legislatures, interest groups, political parties, media) and political distortions (inefficient redistribution, career concerns, dynamic problems).


Students leave the course understanding how microeconomic theory is applied to critically evaluate interactions between economic and political agents. The course should prove useful for any student interested in analyzing policy issues. It will be particularly valuable background for those students intending to specialize in public economics, political economy and economic policy.


Graded written exam (90 minutes) or oral exam (15-30 minutes) covering the entire module (mode will be announced in time).


Ziele und Inhalt

Wir diskutieren die Rolle, die Massenmedien (sowohl traditionelle Medien wie Printmedien, Rundfunk, Radio als auch neue Medien wie Internet, soziale Medien und Sofortnachrichtendienste) in Bezug auf die Gestaltung der Politik spielen. Diese Thematiken erhalten zunehmend Beachtung von Ökonomen. Wir analysieren neuere theoretische, empirische und experimentelle Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet.


Absolventen werden in der Lage sein, ihre Positionen zu formulieren, zu verteidigen und auf Probleme anzuwenden; sie werden fähig sein, Informationen, Ideen und Lösungsansätze zu dem Thema auszutauschen.

Anforderungen bzgl. Credits und Noten

Studierende müssen eine Präsentation über ein Paper halten und einen Aufsatz (5-6 Seiten) über dieses Paper schreiben, in dem Erweiterungen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert werden. Die Endnote setzt sich zu 50% aus der Note des Vortrags und zu 50% aus der Note des Aufsatzes zusammen.

Content of the Module

This course focuses on the government’s practices to raise revenue via taxation and deficit, and on the redistribution of those revenues. The course covers tax policy and inequality, with the special emphasis on current policy issues such as poverty, income tax reform, and budget deficits. The goal is to provide an understanding of the background of tax incidences, labor income taxes and transfers, and capital income taxation.


Students learn theoretical and empirical tools for analysing the questions related to income and capital taxation, and redistribution. Students acquire knowledge on various tax incidences, and effects of taxation and redistribution on economic outcomes and efficiency. The course should prove useful for any student interested in analysis of taxation and its implications for the economy.


Written and graded exam covering the entire module (90 minutes).