Goals and Contents
We will cover questions related to behavioural law and economics. The topics include endowment effect and Coase theorem, bargaining and property rights regimes, deterrence and emotions, enforcement and norms, consumer protection, litigation and breach remedies. We will analyse recent theoretical, empirical and experimental work on these topics.
Expected Competences acquired after completion of the module
Graduates will be able to formulate and defend their position and approach to problem solving; they will be able to exchange information, ideas, and solutions on the topic.
Requirements for the assignment of Credits and Grades
Students are responsible for one presentation. Students will also have to write a report (5-6 pages) evaluating the paper they have presented and suggesting extensions as well as further applications. Grades will be based on the seminar presentations and the report: Seminar presentation (50% of the grade) + report (50% of the grade).
- Lehrende:r: Niklas Hübner
- Lehrende:r: Patrick Hufschmidt
This course provides an introduction to the economic analysis of law, i.e., the application of economic methods to analysis of legal rules and institutions. It covers the areas of tort law, contract law and criminal law, property law and the Coase Theorem, intellectual property law, among others. The focus of the lectures will be primarily on theoretical work. Practice exercises will be assigned during the semester.
Students leave the course understanding how microeconomic theory can be used to critically evaluate law and public policy. The course should prove useful for any student interested in analyzing policy issues. It will be particularly valuable background for those students intending to specialize in public economics, political economy and economic policy.
- Lehrende:r: Niklas Hübner
- Lehrende:r: Dominik Mark Maxara
- Lehrende:r: Galina Zudenkova
Ziele und Inhalt
Wir diskutieren die Rolle, die Massenmedien (sowohl traditionelle Medien wie Printmedien, Rundfunk, Radio als auch neue Medien wie Internet, soziale Medien und Sofortnachrichtendienste) in Bezug auf die Gestaltung der Politik spielen. Diese Thematiken erhalten zunehmend Beachtung von Ökonomen. Wir analysieren neuere theoretische, empirische und experimentelle Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet.
Absolventen werden in der Lage sein, ihre Positionen zu formulieren, zu verteidigen und auf Probleme anzuwenden; sie werden fähig sein, Informationen, Ideen und Lösungsansätze zu dem Thema auszutauschen.
Anforderungen bzgl. Credits und Noten
Studierende müssen eine Präsentation über ein Paper halten und einen Aufsatz (5-6 Seiten) über dieses Paper schreiben, in dem Erweiterungen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert werden. Die Endnote setzt sich zu 50% aus der Note des Vortrags und zu 50% aus der Note des Aufsatzes zusammen.
- Lehrende:r: Tobias Büscher
- Lehrende:r: Niklas Hübner
- Lehrende:r: Galina Zudenkova
This course focuses on the role of the government in the economy. The aim is to provide an understanding of the reasons for government intervention in the economy, analyzing the benefits of possible government policies, and the response of economic agents to the government's actions. The course covers social insurance programs, externalities, public goods, environmental protection, and the interaction between different levels of government.
Students learn theoretical and empirical tools for analyzing public finance questions. Students acquire knowledge on reasons for government intervention in the economy and effects of those interventions on economic outcomes. The course should prove useful for any student interested in analysis of redistribution, public good provision and taxation.
- Lehrende:r: Dejan Dragutinovic
- Lehrende:r: Niklas Hübner
- Lehrende:r: Galina Zudenkova
Dieser Arbeitsraum enthält alle Informationen und Materialien zum
Element 2 Markt und Wettbewerb von Modul 2: Markt und Absatz des
Bachelor-Studienganges Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Wintersemester
- Lehrende:r: Niklas Hübner
- Lehrende:r: Patrick Hufschmidt
- Lehrende:r: Dominik Mark Maxara